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. the burning hell the Burning Hell
and not a drop of water


Estus W. Pirkle

Estus Pirkle has the effective evangelistic film "The Burning Hell" on DVD. It is available in English and Spanish.

This film is a scriptural interpretation of what the Bible has to say about a literal hell. The film seeks to portray in graphic terms all of the horror of hell and how to escape its flames. Of central importance in the film is the incident involving the rich man and Lazarus. Millions of people have been saved in Spanish and English speaking countries through this film. The film is sixty minutes and in color. Preaching is by Estus W. Pirkle.

Estus Pirkle has another DVD named "The Believer's Heaven" in English and Español. This film gives you the scriptural interpretation of what the Bible has to say about a literal heaven. The film seeks to portray the glories and beauty of heaven that await the believer. You will see the pearly gates, the walls of jasper, the saints going through the pearly gates, the tree of life, etc...You will see Enoch taken up to heaven, and Elijah going up in a chariot of fire. You will watch Abraham give up his life of comfort in Ur to become a nomad because he "looked for a city that hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God." There are many more things. Preaching is by Estus W. Pirkle.

The Burning Hell
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